While not a devastating year for growing crops, it certainly was not ideal. Weather, milk prices, and export bureaucracy have left many feeling a bit underwhelmed
As farmers get their choppers, trucks, and tractors ready to chop and store corn silage, there is one other thing they should plan out ahead of time this chopping season – testing your kernel processor
Many people are sitting next to us in cubicles or standing by us in the grocery line. Or in our case, it could be our neighbors, the sales rep, or a farmer just like us, who is struggling with physical...
First thing tomorrow morning I have to milk the cows, but I also cannot forget about the fresh heifer, I have to make sure the calves are fed, and then I need to hurry back to get the kids on the bus
The struggle is real. Despite living in the hometown of John Deere and being surrounded by acres of corn, my three children are the only farm kids in their school
What will dairy look like in the future? It was that question that spurred dairy consultant Jack Britt to collaborate with a team of experts to examine dairying in the future
A couple years ago, after we realized that the Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy) wasn’t going to offer us any meaningful protection, we created our own self-funded insura
Webinar attendees were treated to a unique presentation and a Hoard’s Dairyman first on Monday, January 8, when a dairy producer served as presenter. Tom Kestell, owner of Ever-Green-View had the...
We started chopping our corn silage July 20 this year and finished chopping August 18. It has definitely been one of the longest silage seasons I have ever encountered. We planted a good bit more corn
The age-old joke surrounding holidays is that they’re filled with stress from old family squabbles and new family drama. Is that true? Are most people’s holidays filled with dread and anxiety?